
Sunday, April 24, 2016: Palm Sunday feastal meal

Blessed Christians, upon the Feast of Our Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday, our parish organizes a feastal meal with fish dishes. We would be glad to celebrate together both at the Divine Liturgy…

Sunday, March 6, 2016: Agape for March 8

Beloved faithful, in order to celebrate the 8th of March, the Reunion of our parish’s Ladies has the special honor of inviting you to a Romanian lunch with mici and other traditional dishes on Sunday,…

Sunday, December 20, 2015: Christmas festivity

Blessed Christians, the Feast of the Nativity is an opportunity to confess our ancestral faith while also confirming out ethnic identity. For these reasons we invite you and your families to join us in organizing the…

Sunday, December 6, 2015: Agape for Saint Nicholas

Blessed Christians, upon the feast of the Holy Hierarch Nicholas, our parish organizes a festive fish-based lunch on Sunday, December 6, 2015, after the Divine Liturgy. In order to facilitate the organization of the event,…

Renovation of the community room

Beloved faithful, we would like to inform you that as of Monday, September 14th, the community room on the lower level of our church is undergoing renovation. This is the most important restoration campaign in…