Sunday, October 28, 2018 – celebration of the parish feast

Beloved Christians, we are very glad to let you know that on Sunday, October 28th, our parish will be celebrating its patronal feast, the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-Streamer. 

The celebration will commence with the service of the Matins (9:10 AM), followed by the Divine Liturgy (10:15 AM).

After 12:00 PM you are invited to take part in the anniversary banquet that will be hosted in the Parish hallThe cost of a banquet menu is $60 for adults and $30 for children under 12 years old. Any additional donation is encouraged and welcome!

Since the number of banquet seats is limited, we ask you to support the planning by announcing your desire to join us by the 22nd of October (tel.: 212-874-4490; e-mail: 

We look forward to seeing you there!